
  • Nursery

    The GS Nursery is for children birth to age three and is open during all Sunday services. If your child is not quite ready to leave you, we have a secure area in the nursery lobby with couches and a live service feed for those with babies and children who might get fussy. We also have a Nursing Mother's Suite in this area for moms who need privacy.

    GS Nursery volunteers are background checked and highly trained to ensure the safest possible environment for your little one. Parents are given a pager to wear while their babies are in the nursery should he or she become fussy and need you.

  • Kids

    GS Kids is for potty trained three year olds through 5th grade and have programming during all Sunday services. Preschool and kindergarten meet in classrooms where they hear a Bible story, play games and make crafts.

    First through fifth graders enjoy a large group time of drama, media and music along with small group interactions to reinforce the lesson.

  • Preteens

    Preteens (fourth and fifth graders) have special evening events throughout the year designed just for them!

Upcoming Events

Registration is now open for our PRETEEN outing to SkyZone in Pineville for all 4th & 5th Grade students on January 26th. Parents must drop-off and pick-up at SkyZone.

COST: $16 per person /Bring extra money for the Snack Bar!

*Both the Good Shepherd Church release and the SkyZone release must be filled out through the link during registration.

Looking for parenting resources? Click here.

Looking for information on Good Shepherd Christian School? Click here.